
Hello there! I am looking for people who know English and want to talk.
If you are interested in communication, I'll be glad to maintain friendly relations with you! ♥

hundred and more boring things about me

I chose the most ridiculous, if there is something that you would like to know - ask me and I will answer immediately.

08.12.2011 в 15:45

Чем суровее в стране законы, тем больше люди тоскуют по беззаконию. (С) С.Е.Лец
Are you naturaly english speaker?
08.12.2011 в 15:53

Prd krt skrz drn, zprv zhlt hrst zrn
You know, I'm curious. Why, of all the places on the net, you've chosen diary.ru as your blog? You know, a mostly Russian service?
08.12.2011 в 15:56

Гораций, милый, научись правильные вопросы задавать. xD
native-speaker а никак не naturaly (на худой конец naturally или natural)
08.12.2011 в 15:58

Чем суровее в стране законы, тем больше люди тоскуют по беззаконию. (С) С.Е.Лец
С. Сказочница, мне можно. Я няшка:gigi:
08.12.2011 в 16:01

Horacius, you??????????????? O______________O

08.12.2011 в 16:04

Чем суровее в стране законы, тем больше люди тоскуют по беззаконию. (С) С.Е.Лец
С. Сказочница, you think I'm a shithead.
08.12.2011 в 16:15

I have lots of diaries all over the Internet, just I bet with my friends.
Btw, I am looking for pen pals and...that is my business, you should not worry about it...
Practically speaking, what does it matter whether Russian service it is or not?
You missed the point, the most important for me to remember about form and substance!
08.12.2011 в 16:16

Horacius, no. just a baby trying to seem an adult or something like that.
08.12.2011 в 16:18

xxohxx, I like your English)
08.12.2011 в 16:27

Prd krt skrz drn, zprv zhlt hrst zrn
xxohxx, looke, we live in a free world and all that other happy stuff, but... Well, you'll be a really passive contributor, won't you? Mostly you'll be limited to the pages of your diary and comments since, well, I haven't seen a lot of people, who write in English, besides you. Kind of defeats the whole point, doesn't it? Unless you;re fluent in Russian or at least Ukranian, but I don't know...
08.12.2011 в 16:40

С. Сказочница, what do you mean by that?

Горонианка, tastes differ but I will take the lead) It doesn't matter to me how many pages I'll fill out,
and how many comments I will get after all.
There are many things in the world which are more important than public recognition indeed. :)
08.12.2011 в 16:43

xxohxx, nothing. I've mixed someting up.
08.12.2011 в 16:48

С. Сказочница, be careful) Heedlessness can lead to grave consequences!
08.12.2011 в 17:53

xxohxx, I'm not as that stupid :)
08.12.2011 в 17:56

С. Сказочница, I didn't say that you're stupid, I didn't mean it!
08.12.2011 в 18:23

xxohxx, I didn't mean than either)
08.12.2011 в 19:44

Prd krt skrz drn, zprv zhlt hrst zrn
xxohxx, look, all I'm saying is that you won't be able to actually read other people's diaries, won't you? You'll be a passive contributor to the site, not n active one, all I'm saying.
08.12.2011 в 20:07

Горонианка, I am active in my field. I am keeping this diary for myself not for anyone else.

you won't be able to actually read other people's diaries, won't you?
But I can talk with them and it's even better) I have already read a lot)